Community Service Registration

Sign up for community service (link will be provided in June 2025).

Building Community through Service

Mystic Mabon Southwest runs with the help of our incredible unpaid volunteer board and coordinators doing all the pre-festival work, set up, take down, and overseeing and participating in the myriads of tasks during the festival. 

The rest of the necessary tasks are completed by our participants via work shifts. We couldn’t make this festival happen at all, and at the current registration fee, without you. Please accept our sincere gratitude to each of you for your service. Special thanks to the many who sign up for more than one shift to fill in the gaps. 

While completing your work shift tasks we hope you will get to know the people forming this year’s community.

All guests 12 and older must complete a community service shift. You can sign up online using the link above or at the gate when you arrive. All of this year’s shifts need some adult supervision. Where there are 2 or more slots available in a time slot, you can sign up with the young folks attending with you, or after another adult has taken the first shift in that time slot.  

The work shift instructions are generally self-explanatory. If you need clarification, check with the gate or appropriate shift coordinator.  

Except for the late-night fire tenders, everyone needs to report to the gate to start their shift and end it. Don’t be late! 

At the end of your shift you will get a ticket for a drawing for a prize. We’ll draw a winner at the end of the Ardantane Auction on Saturday afternoon.

Some jobs require you to carry a radio for communications. You’ll pick up your radio at the gate when you start your shift and return it there when you finish your shift.

2-Hour Work Shifts

Below is a description of the work shifts available. If you are mobility-challenged, we recommend you consider Gate or Silver Moon Care shifts, which allow you to mostly sit. For those able to walk about easily, consider a shift as a Security or Facilities helper. If you are also able to project your voice loudly (you can also just stop in individual camps and speak with folks), the job for you is Herald. If you are able-bodied and fit, consider being a gnome. Gnomes provide assistance wherever needed; sometimes this involves helping setup or take down a camp, the gate, Silver Moon Care, or vendor booth, which means some lifting and hauling.

Facilities: Check bathrooms and wash stations and restock; pick up trash along your way if you find it. Supplies for restocking and a cart are available at the gate.

Fire Tenders: Maintain fire and fire safety. Attend fire at all times during shift. Fires may be wood or propane rings, as determined by the fire danger levels, the Forest Service, and festival staff at the time of the event. Ignite fires, maintain safety during fire circles, and assure the fires are dead out.

Gate: Check in guests; check ID and give each guest a wristband and paper for writing their name and contact phone for their vehicle. Make sure guest is signed up for a work shift. Assist with work shift sign up, log in and log out. Provide general Information. The gate is often the first place people come if they need anything! Excellent choice for the less mobile.

Gnomes: Assist people and projects as needed, such as finding people, helping set up camps or vendors, etc.. This job is the most physical of the choices and you should be able to lift things and haul them.

Herald: Walk the camp and announce upcoming events or changes to the schedule. Carry provided radio and event schedule.

Safety & Security: Walk the site to assess safety and security. Carry provided radio, respond to security calls, and report unresolved security concerns, including unauthorized or unattended fires.

Silver Moon Care: Support trained Silver Moon staff who are administering first aid. No formal medical knowledge needed, but welcome. If you are good at moving energy, such as grounding others, this may be a good service option for you.